Monday, April 19, 2010

Attack Of The Killer Black Eye Ball - (2009)

Spin-off from visual artist Ukawa Naohiro's Ukawanimation! project, the XXX Residents are a mysterious multimedia cosplay unit paying tribute to The Residents. Inside of the eyeballs, it is rumored that Ukawa himself is joined by musicians from iLL, Cicada... Also featured is an appearance by Japanese "noise god" Merzbow. The Japanese band are an electronical version of the original. They dress up like The Residents and they use a lot of Residents' samples and patterns.


  1. After a couple listens I'm still not sure. I really enjoy the use of samples and clear re-workings. Sometimes it just feels like long dance tracks with no Rez influence (that I can hear). I'm not done with this one. Maybe I just need more time. Interesting to say the least.

  2. Yeah its dance muzak mostly with a stand-out Merzbow version of Census Taker.A bit of a novelty as is most tribute recordings.Once you recognize the samples the fun is over really.

    To compare this with other Rez tribute acts
    go here:

  3. A pre-requisite for listening to the residents goes a little beyond simply being an open minded person. Among other things it requires an acknowledgement that music can sometimes be simply collected sounds, with the intent to share them guiding them to other people. this much openminded ness though has drawbacks, as sometimes it leads people to scorn or revile more linier or melodically driven music that ends up being more accsesible than content or story driven (even if the content is isolated from anything understandable outside the context of the song).The residents as a band are obviously superior, in the way a picture of mold is to tasting the mold and getting sick from it(with enjoyable side effects) but this is certainly a very interesting and enjoyable tribute and should be encouraged, as there are not enough of these types of things.

  4. The File was deleted...can you re-post?


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