Has it been a year already? Well today it is and a good year for Constantinople it was. When I first came up with the idea of starting this blog I never thought that a year would go by with a continued interest in keeping things going on here but I made it and I gotta say that it was fun posting the music that for the most part means so much to me. True, there are so many great music blogs to browse on the internet and I wanna thank all the people who discovered this blog and kept coming back to it day after day.....it really means alot to me and makes me feel like I am not wasting my time. Special thanks go out to all the other blogs who liked what I was doing enough to add Constantinople to their lists of "blogs to check out", it very much helped in getting recognized. Also, I noticed that during the year 33 different people became followers to the blog...not that bad !! Let's keep that going strong. All the posting comments have been special as well. It would be nice to have more but I can't complain as it is the thought matters the most. A shout out also must go to my boy Fence Wilson who has been the most consistant in posting comments.....most of which have been entertaining. Again, thank you to all !!! And now....Constantinople continues.